Ofsted - the Office for Standards in Education, Children's Services and Skills - inspects and reports on anywhere that provides education for young people in England, including schools, nurseries and childminders.
Schools or organisations are inspected every four years or 30 months, depending on their status, and are then graded accordingly:
- 1 - outstanding
- 2 - good
- 3 - requires improvement
- 4 - inadequate
- During an Ofsted visit - which can last up to two days - inspectors observe lessons and talk to staff and pupils.
- The school is normally notified the day before.
Inspectors judge schools according to Ofsted's education inspection framework.
They assess:
- a school's overall performance
- the quality of education provided
- pupil behaviour and attitudes
- staff personal development and the calibre of leadership and management
- the effectiveness of safeguarding policies
This is a school where pupils learn successfully in a calm and supportive environment.
Ofsted, 2022