Attendance and Reporting Absence

The Department for Education expect all students to attend school at least 96% of the time. This expectation allows your child to be absent on a maximum of eight days during the academic year.

The reason for this expectation is that there is a strong link between good attendance and high attainment at school. Nationally students with 96% attendance have a 72% chance of attaining a grade 4+ in English and Maths, compared to a 35% chance for those with attendance below 96%.

Students therefore have a far better chance of success at every grade if they attend school every day. To help your child attend school every day please ensure that:

  • They allow themselves enough time each morning to get to school on time
  • Non-emergency medical appointments are made outside of the school day
  • Routine dentist and opticians appointments are made outside of the school day
  • You support your child to go to bed at a reasonable time, eat healthily and stay active, therefore making them less likely to become unwell

All parents and carers have a legal duty to ensure that their child attends school regularly. If your child’s attendance falls below 90% during the course of an academic year, then they will be classified as persistently absent from school. Newham will then contact you to support improved school attendance.

Please speak to your child about the importance of attending school every day and the positive impact this will have on both their academic and emotional wellbeing.


How to report your child's absence

If your child is not in school, you must: call the school office at either Grosvenor Road or Upton Lane between 7.30am-8.30am OR report your child’s absence via the ParentMail App absence reporting tool between 7.30am-8.30am.

The ParentMail App is available for both Apple iOS and Android devices and can be found using the links below:

ParentMail -  Apple Store

ParentMail - Google Play

If you require further support and information on ParentMail, please call the school office at either Grosvenor Road or Upton Lane; alternatively please visit, ParentMail - Help


Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Information for Parents

The legal position under regulation 12 of the Education, Schools and Further Education Regulations 1981 is that no parent can demand leave of absence for the purpose of a holiday as of right. The power is discretionary.

At Stratford School Academy we do not authorise holidays and/or extended trips overseas in term time as regular attendance is a key factor in a child’s achievement at school. In exceptional circumstances, a parent/carer must make out a case for taking the child away from school during term time, which means that the parent/carer has to show why his or her child should be treated differently from the norm.

The case must be made in writing directly to the Headteacher. However, making a case does not mean that leave will be granted.

Attendance Policy

Absence from School for Exceptional Circumstances Request Form