
On this page, you will find a set of relevant policies which are subject to review in line
with the Board of Trustees policy review cycle.



Accessibility Plan Download
Accessibility Plan Reviewed June 2024 Download
Anti Fraud Policy Download
Attendance Policy Download
Behaviour Policy Download
Behaviour Principles Written Statement Download
Behaviour Systems and Processes Download
Biometric Data Policy Download
Capabilty Policy All Staff Download
CEIAG Careers Education Information Advice and Guidance Policy Download
Charging and remissions policy Download
Child Protection Safeguarding and Early Help Policy Download
Code of Conduct Download
Complaints policy and Procedure Download
Data Protection Policy Download
Discipline Procedures Download
Discipline Rules Policy Download
Drugs Policy Download
Early Careers Teacher ECT Policy Download
ECT policy reviewed May 2024 Download
Equalities Policy including Equalities Objectives Download
Estates Maintenance and Developement Strategy Download
First Aid Policy Download
Governors Expenses Scheme Policy Download
Grievance Procedure Download
Health and Safety Policy Download
Pay Policy Download
Physical Activity Policy Download
Premises Management Download
Privacy notice for parents and carers Download
Privacy notice for Pupils Download
Privacy notice for Staff Download
Relationships and Sex Education Policy Download
SEND Policy and Information Report Download
Special Educational Needs and Disability Policy and Information Report Download
Supporting pupils with medical conditions Download
Wellbeing Policy Download
Whistleblowing Policy Download
Whistleblowing Policy reviewed June 2024 Download
Whole School Food and Drink Policy Download