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The Religious Education (RE) curriculum is effectively sequenced to allow students to build subject specific knowledge which prepares students to engage with a diverse multi-religious and secular society. The curriculum builds on KS2 knowledge and prepares students for RE study beyond Secondary Education. Through the specific design of the curriculum, students should be able to go out into society with tolerance (links to the school’s values of respect and responsibility), appreciation of multiculturalism and a better understanding of themselves (SMSC: spiritual, moral, social cultural development).
Substantial knowledge from KS3 (religious beliefs, practices, ways of looking at the world, as well as texts etc.) allows students to grasp difficult theological concepts in KS4. By KS4, students are confident to be able to talk and write knowledgably about religious beliefs, using subject specific language and are confidently able to use personal knowledge by applying RE content to their own lives.
Through their learning in RE, students are able to express their thoughts with clarity through developing a broad and accurate religious vocabulary, reading and responding to a range of written and spoken languages (including sacred texts), this effectively enables students to reflect critically on the ultimate questions of life using reasoned arguments. Students are able to make links with other subjects like English, History and Geography through studying historical events and landmarks, interpreting texts and problem solving. RE inspires students to be resilient and self-reflective through monitoring their own learning and performance through setting targets, reviewing their achievements and identifying ways to improve their work.
Students are encouraged to develop their learning beyond the classroom with trips to religious places of worship, participation in writing competitions and a local SACRE club to enhance students’ experiences of RE.
Curriculum Maps
RE Curriculum Map - Year 7RE Curriculum Map - Year 8RE Curriculum Map - Year 9RE Curriculum Map - Year 10RE Curriculum Map - Year 11
Knowledge Organisers
Year 10 & 11
Christianity Paper
Christian BeliefsLiving the Christian LifeMarriage and FamilyMatters of Life and Death
Islam Paper
Crime and PunishmentLiving the Muslim LifeMuslim BeliefsPeace and Conflict
Homework Details
'You said, we did'
RE - Homework Timetables - Year 7 to 11
RE - Homework Timetables - Year 7 to 11
RE - Homework Timetables - Year 7 to Year 11
Term 2
RE - Homework Timetables - Year 7 to Year 11
RE - Homework Timetables - Year 7 to Year 11
Term 2
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