Celebrating LGBTQ+ History Month, 10th February

Blog Header Image LGBTQ+ History Month
Posted on 10th Feb 2022

This month we will be focussing on the History of the LGBTQ+ Community. We will be posting daily facts that are associated with people and communities that are part of a minority sexuality or gender identity.  We hope you learn something that you didn’t know before about LGBTQ+ History!

Mary Renault - A Local Link

Mary Renault (1905 - 1983), was an English writer best known for her historical novels set in Ancient Greece and was the favourite author of President Kennedy of the USA.  She was born in a house right by our Upton Lane site!

Mary Renault

In 1933 she began training as a nurse at the Radcliffe Infirmary in Oxford. During her training she met Julie Mullard, a fellow nurse with whom she established a lifelong romantic relationship.

In 1948, Renault and Mullard emigrated to South Africa, where they remained for the rest of their lives and created a community of LGBTQ+ people who had escaped the repressive attitudes towards homosexuality in Britain. Mary and Julie found themselves able to set up home together in this new land without causing the outrage they had sometimes provoked in 1940s Britain.

Find out more - Mary Renault

If students would like to discuss any of their needs regarding sexuality or gender identity then they can speak with any trusted adult at Stratford School Academy. Students can also contact Childline on 0800 1111 and be referred to sexuality and gender specialists.