

Place2Be provides child counselling and mental health support in schools, including primary, secondary and all-through schools across England, Scotland and Wales.

Each school has a dedicated Place2Be mental health professional who is an integral part of the school team.

They work closely with students, families and staff to improve emotional wellbeing and provide mental health support for the whole school.

At Upton Lane, our dedicated Place2Be Mental Health Professional is Ms Arefa Attan.



How can I access the Place2Be service?

There are two ways that students can access the Place2Be service.

Students can access the Place2Be counselling service by emailing/speaking to their trusted adult or Head of House. Your request will then be passed on to the Place2Be MHP, who will email you to confirm your appointment.

Students can access the Place2Talk service by collecting a Place2Talk slip which is loctated outside of the Upton Lane school office. Students must fill in a Place2Be slip and post it into the postbox. The Place2Be MHP will then email you to confirm your appointment.

When will I recieve my appointment details?

Ms Attan visits Upton Lane every Tuesday and Wednesday from 8.30am-4.30pm during term time. Ms Attan checks the post box on these days and will email students promptly.

What can I talk to Ms Attan about?

Students can speak to Ms Attan about anything that is affecting their mental health and receive excellent 1-2-1 support.

How long does an introductory meeting last?

Introductory meetings can take up to 15-30 minutes.

Can I contact Ms Attan directly?

Students can also contact Ms Attan directly if they would like to know more about Place2Be and how the service can help:

